Compare Bottled Water Against Water80 System

Bottled water is filtered tap water, is acidic and causes environmental pollution:

Bottled water, e.g., Aquafina from Pepsi, Dasani from Coca-Cola, and some so called "spring" water, is produced using commercial Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Purification system from tap water instead of spring water (click here to read news report from CNN).

Because of Reverse Osmosis (RO), bottled water is even more acidic (pH below 6.2) than tap water is, and is large cluster. RO further strips natural minerals that are healthy to the human body from the water. People become sick after drinking bottled water for about 4 months due to the lack of minerals, e.g., Calcium.

Because bottled water is expensive, unhealthy and causes environmental pollution, it has been banned in many cities such as Seattle (click here to read news report from The Seattle Times) and San Francisco (click here to read news report from MSNBC).

bottled water pollution

bottled water pollution

Water80 Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water can help you battle chronic disease because of three important characteristics: small water cluster size, alkaline and antioxidant effect. Click this link to learn more about why Water80 Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water can improve chronic diseases.

In terms of cost, you would spend more on bottled water than you would purchase Water80 Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water Filtration System. An average person needs to drink 2 litres of water per day which costs $3, and you will have to spend $1095.00 a year, which is much more than the price of Water80 Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water Filtration System. With Water80 Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water Filtration System, all family members can get unlimited supply of high quality water for drinking, cooking, washing and more.

Why buy expensive filtered tap water when you can get much better water at your home?

  Bottled Water Water80 Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water

bottled water

Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water Filter

Filtration Methods and Clean Quality Clean: Reverse osmosis Very clean: multi-stage filtration including PP cotton, activated carbon, calcium sulfite/KDF, ultrafiltration and Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water generator
pH Acidic Stable alkaline
Dissolved Minerals and Anions Various High
Antioxidant Effect No Yes
Cluster Size of Water Molecule Large clusters Stable small clusters